17 April 2011


Being an adult was a little extra difficult today. Not from a maturity standpoint, but a responsibility one. Recently I've been focusing more on what I don't have and my inabilities, instead of being grateful for what I do have and God's ability. Ever since I was a little kid, I've struggled to let go of control over my life. I can get so wrapped up in what I need to get accomplished that it's not until I'm lost, dazed, and confused that I remember that I just need to lay my burdens at the foot of the cross. I sort of hit that point this evening and like a swift kick in the pants, God reminded me that life always runs smoothest when the Creator of the universe is in control.

So, now that I have laid it all down, I'm going to make a list of the many things I'm grateful for. Thank you God for Your blessings of life!!!

  1. I am so incredibly thankful for Luke. He is every bit the calm to my crazy. When I'm going nuts, he calms me down. He is the voice of reason at all times. Words cannot express my love for that man.
  2. I am thankful for my family. Life would be incredibly calm and boring without them. I mean, who would I fight with? So much of the good in my life is because of my mom, dad, and sisters.
  3. I am so thankful for my friends that make me laugh on a daily basis and listen to me vent even more often (and buy me diet cokes, you know who you are!!).
  4. I am thankful for Brooklyn and her stupid squeaky squirrel that she insists on squeaking for 3 minutes straight in my ear until I pick it up and throw it, only to begin the same process over and over again. Her sweet little kisses and silly faces bless my life so much.
  5. I am thankful for my job. This is one of the most stressful areas of my life right now. I love my job, but sometimes the pressure builds up and overwhelms me. But this job couldn't be a bigger blessing and I know that God is growing me tremendously here.
  6. I'm thankful for my health and the ability to work out on a daily basis. I'm thankful that I was taught about health and physical fitness at an early age so that I can better take care of myself for life.
  7. I'm thankful for my upcoming wedding and for everyone that will be playing a role in it in one way or another. This is another big area of stress, but I know June 25th is going to be the best day of my life. I can't wait to be married to Luke!!
  8. I am thankful for my church and the way God speaks to me through the worship and studying of His Word within those walls.
  9. I am thankful for my apartment. I am thankful for the roof over my head, my bed which was a gift from a very kind person, the hand-me-down couch that is still uber comfy, and the Ikea furniture I've accumulated.
  10. I am thankful for my new car. I am thankful it carries all of my life around Corpus Christi and that it is reliable. 
  11. I am thankful for my washer and dryer. It is a huge blessing to be able to do my laundry in my apt instead of having to haul my laundry up and down three flights of stairs to the laundromat.
  12. I'm thankful that I live in such a cool city. I love living by the beach and I love that the sun shines so much here. 
God's blessings go way beyond this list, but these are the big ones I thought of off the top of my head. Now, I'm extremely tired and ready for bed. I need a really good night's sleep so that I can be ready for a busy week starting tomorrow. 

In peace I will both lie down and sleep;
for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting, I have been feeling the same way--so focused on my tasks I'm not enjoying the small thing!

    Great post, great verse!



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