I love the spring season. I love the way bluebonnets and indian paintbrushes spring up and line the highways. This time of the year seems to begin a change in everyone's attitudes. People stand a little taller and smile a little more. I swear it has something to do with the fact that the sun starts to show itself again. Who can be depressed when the sun is out? Spring gives us the promise that summer is around the corner and that school will soon be out for three full months. Oh yeah, and my birthday is March 26th. I love springtime!
Here are a few pictures from this spring so far...

This a a few of the BRH girls from Kristy's lingerie shower

Luke and I, just hanging out with the cat over Easter weekend

My sisters, my boyfriend and I on Easter

Luke and I on an Easter walk

My roommates and I at Tri Delta formal
My friend boy and I at formal on Lake Austin
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