Alrighty, it is time for this little lady to vent for a bit. Life has been a little harder than the norm lately. Due to circumstances outside of my control, work has become extremely draining; more than average. Hopefully this will wrap up soon, but by the end of my (10-hour) days for about the last 2 months, my body, brain, and heart have been worn out. Luke and I also have a lot on our plates. We are in the process of making big decisons. Learning what it is truly like to place our lives and decisions in the hands of God as a married couple is not always easy; especially when there are two stubborn heads involved. I'm not about to start talking as if Luke and I are the perfect married Christian couple, because we aren't. There can be learning curves when it gets down to the nitty gritty and I'm feelin' it. And money? I don't even want to talk about money. I actually despise it right now and the way having it/not having it affects lives. Can't everything (like medical treatment and college) be free?? Wishful thinking... Sometimes life just bears down on you, ya know? Can anyone relate to me right now?
Ok, I'm done with the venting. Life is good. God is good. I am very blessed, just a little worn out. But His strength is made perfect in our weakness, Amen? :)
1) Today, I begin training for my first ever half marathon. I'm sort of freaking out. The thing is, I know myself. I love to eat salty foods and lounge on the couch. My "diets" never last longer than a week. I always have the best of intentions, but end up letting myself down. Not this time! On April 26th, I'm flying to Nashville to run in the Rock & Roll Half Marathon (on the 28th) with a sorority sister from college. I haven't actually registered for the race or bought my plane tickets, but these are on my list of to-dos in the next two weeks (I can't help the this past Friday's paycheck went almost entirely to bills, blah!). I am hoping that spending this money will help me stick to my training goals even more. Besides staying hydrated and eating healthier, here is my half-marathon beginner's training program:
You can also find this training plan
here. Don't you just love a training schedule that has you resting on the first day? I'm already getting into it. ;)
2) This past weekend, Luke's aunt got married. I think it is amazing the way God can bring two people together, even later in life. We are so excited for Sandy and her new husband, Arnold! Plus, Aubrey was the wedding coordinator. It was so fun to see her rockin' it out at work! We had a really great time hanging out with friends and family.
{Hinton love.}
{Friend love.}
3) I watched a ton of my friends prticipating in January Photo-A-Day, but didn't actually participate. So this month, I've decided to try it out. Are you joining in? Are you on Instagram? If so, let's follow each other! My handle is saramhinton. Tonight's photo is #dinner. Keep an eye out for my picture!
4) Tonight is The Bachelor, The Voice, and the premiere of Smash. Oh.my.goodness! So much great TV! I know, I know...the Bachelor isn't really great TV, but I cannot help it. My name is Sara and I watch Ben make out with multiple women every Monday night. You know you do too. And for the love of all small-chested women everywhere, could someone PUH-LEESE tell Christina Aguilera to tuck those things into her dress better? Or wear one that fits?? Now Smash, that is going to be a great show. I'm a girl with a heart for Broadway, so I just know that I'm going to love it! What are you watching tonight?
6) And last, but not least, I must give a shout out to my baby sisters and my friends, Justin and Michelle, who are all at the Kelly Clarkson concert in San Antonio tonight. Please tell Kelly I said hello and that I loved her National Anthem at the Super Bowl last night! "Miss Independent...Miss Self-Sufficient...Miss Keep-Yo-Distance!!!"