08 February 2012

B&N love

So, if you can't tell by my last couple of posts, I've been having a rough week. I'm feelin' a little blue and lackluster. And to top it off, I feel like I keep making little mistakes that are uncharacteristic of me. But it's ok. I'm moving forward. :)

Although the sun isn't shining (literally) for me today, I'm going to start perking up anyway! I decided to spend my lunch break at Barnes & Noble with a sugar-free vanilla iced coffee. For this book-loving, You've-Got-Mail-day-dreaming young lady, there was no better way to disconnect myself for 60 minutes.

I think B&N and I are beginning to fall in love again. Not that we ever weren't in love. I guess you could say we're re-discovering each other. It's pretty nice. 


  1. I hope your week turns around. The weather here has really been putting a damper on things for me. It is supposed to be summer, but its been raining non stop for almost two months. Its nice when you re-discover someone you're always around. I totally know what you mean though.

  2. I'm sorry it's been a rough week! I hope the rest of it improves! It is hard to get out of a funk! (especially with crappy weather!) Iced coffee always improves my mood a little. : )

  3. Books & coffee always help!
    Praying you have a blessed week!


  4. I'm sorry you are in a funk girl...I hate those seasons of anxiousness in life. It will pass!

  5. Hey Sara! Don't know your circumstances, but from what I've read, I think we're in similar boats. Discontentment? Thinking "okay, I know at one time I loved my job, why am I in this funk?" Just down in the dumps? Praying for joy - something I have to choose daily! :) Hang on, it's almost the weekend!

  6. Hoping your week gets better! I totally understand the "slump phase" it's no fun and many go through. For me, it took awhile, but now everything is a lot better and brighter :)
    Positive thoughts your way :)

  7. Hope your week gets better! Sometimes a break like that is SO necessary!

  8. Hey there! I just stumbled upon your blog through for Lauren and Lauren. I really like your blog. I was mostly interested though, because we are also the Hintons!!! Crazy, right?! Nice to "meet" you fellow Hinton! ;)


  9. is it just me or is the BN Starbucks coffee just not AS good?!

  10. B&N is the best. Seriously the best.


Let me know your thoughts! I love comments. :)