Almost immediately after Luke and I decided that I would take a new job on the east coast, I began to pray about the place that we would call home. There is something about being a wife that makes finding and nurturing a home one of my top priorities in life. I want a cozy place for my husband to come home to after work; a place that smells like a baked apple pie candle and always has fresh flowers on the kitchen table. After accepting my new job, I knew finding our home in New Jersey was my next big task.
I didn't head up to New Jersey right away, but first began packing up life in Texas. One of the first days I spent packing, Phillip Phillips' song "Home" played on Pandora and for some reason, I began to tear up. Luke and I were still in the initial shock phase of the move where we couldn't believe we had actually said, "yes" to moving 1800 miles away from our family and friends. Although we both knew this move was a total God thing, Luke was definitely overwhelmed. As these words played on Pandora, I couldn't help but feel as though they were the words I wanted to say to Luke, but just couldn't form myself...
"Hold on to me as we go,
As we roll down this unfamiliar road.
And although this wave is stringing us along,
Just know you're not alone.
Cause I'm going to make this place your home."
I knew that God would provide a place for us and in fact, already had it picked out. This gave me peace, but searching for this new home was no easy task. His humor is funny though. It just so happens that after 6 days of searching (I'm talking all over North Jersey, Jersey City, Hoboken, Bayonne, and Brooklyn!), I decided to go with the very first apartment I saw, a sweet little place in Morristown, NJ. This decision did not come without it's share of fear, anxiety, and tears. But on Thursday, about 5 hours before it was time to make a decision (we had this apartment on hold for 72 hours), that same Phillip Phillips song came over the radio at the little cafe mom and I were eating at. The words I could make out over the conversation in the room sang the familiar words I had listened to at my house in Texas while packing...
"Settle down, it'll all be clear.
Don't pay no mind to the demons; they fill you with fear.
Trouble, it might drag you down.
If you get lost you can always be found.
Just know you're not alone,
Cause I'm going to make this place your home."
I am a firm believer that God can talk to you any way He wants. Yes, He speaks to us through the Bible. He can also speak to us through other believers or through worship music. But on that day, it was through a secular song on the radio. He wanted me to hear that familiar song that had touched my heart just days earlier. My heart had been heavy because I was worried about finding a home for my family, but God knew that I, too, needed to hear these words. I needed to be reminded that my Father lovs me, that he has led Luke and I to this point, and that He is going to make this new place my home, no matter what area Luke and I settle in. Hearing those lyrics gave my heart the peace I needed to get through those last few stressful hours and I'm so glad that God has placed us where He has!
So, want to see some pics of the new place? I thought y'all might. Just take into consideration that these were taken on my iPhone (not the best quality) and that the apartment isn't furnished. Once we get everything moved in, I'll post new pics to give you a better idea of what the place looks like.
The kitchen!
this is a pre-war
Those lovely
shelves are
built in!
The sink and more
shelves are on
the other side.

The left side of
the bedroom.
The right side.
Check out those
(on the left)
had them, if you've
never noticed, ha!
Bedroom closet
on the left.
on the right.
Luke and I
will survive,
I hope
That's our front door. I'm standing in the living room.
Another view of the living room. This is from the foyer.
So, there she is. All 700 sq. ft. of our quaint, pre-war (but very well maintained!), and humble abode. :)
Oh, and one more thing. Right after I signed the lease, mom and I headed over to Ashley's Furniture to look for a new mattress. She had just gotten a great deal on a new mattress for their house and we wanted to see if the same promotion was going on in NJ. Not only did I buy Luke and I a new but, but I also got a steal of a deal on a 7-piece living room set. I'm in LOVE with it! The lamps might be my favorite part.
Luke and the pups get here in TWO WEEKS!! I can't believe it's been two weeks since I last saw my loves. I hope the next two fly by even faster! Please continue to keep Luke and I in your prayers as we are apart, as we travel, and as we continue to chase this new adventure. Your love, support, and prayers mean the world to us!