05 August 2011

Rambling. :)

I feel like I've been slacking on the blog the last couple of weeks, but with good reason. Life has been so busy with weddings, weekend trips, work, etc. and I just haven't had time to sit down and flesh it all out. I actually find that I miss my blog when I haven't done a lot of writing recently. I think it's the journalist in me that just needs to lay everything out on the table to clear my head.

At 5:30pm today, I will leave work and head straight to Houston, where I'll stay the night at my college roomie's house. Then she, I, and another girlfriend of ours will leave early Saturday morning for Dallas to attend a wedding for another college friend. It is going to be a beautiful weekend full of love and girl time. I can't wait to see many of my college friends. When we get together, you can guarantee there is never a dull moment!! Pictures of this fabulous weekend to come. :)

Luke is currently transitioning from summer season to retreat season out at Camp Zephyr, which is always a treat (said with a small amount of sarcasam). He's been on a weird schedule lately, which throws us both off a bit. I've decided that I am undoubtably ready for the fall, cooler weather, and for Luke's schedule to settle into a more regular routine (wishful thinking camp wives?).

Well, that is about all I have to talk about. I guess I'm sort of just rambling, but sometimes it just feels good to write type it out. I'm excited that it is Friday, excited for my weekend adventure, and even more excited about God's faithfullness and perfect timing. In 9 days, Luke and I leave for our honeymoon in Florida. This trip is much anticipated and MUCH needed! So many exciting plans are in the works and I can just feel God moving in our lives right now. I am anticipating many fun blog posts to come in the near future.

Hope you all have a blessed weekend!!


  1. Your blog is adorable! It sounds like it's going to be such a lovely weekend for you. I'm totally jealous ;) What's better than love and girl time?? Have a blast!!!

  2. yes I agree it is getting that time of year where I too and many of my friends are ready for fall come see me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com I am your newest follower


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