08 December 2010

A Christmas Treat for Bloggers

 {Photo from shutterfly.com}

Attention all of my blogger friends and family!!
I have a sweet holiday treat from Shutterfly to share with you! :)

Shutterfly is giving away 50 free Christmas cards to bloggers who write a post about Shutterfly and all of the amazing creations you can make through this website. 

I've loved and used Shutterfly for a few years now. As a college student, Shutterfly helped me to store and print many pictures from sorority events and my summers at Camp Zephyr. With its very reasonable prices, speedy delivery, and quality customer service, I've constantly been impressed by this service. Although I have never ordered any of these myself, Shutterfly allows its customers to create desk calendars, photo books, birthday cards, and much more! As a bride-to-be with many showers, a bachelorette party, a rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, a wedding, and a honeymoon ahead of me, I know I'll be putting Shutterfly's photo books to use!

I wasn't planning on creating Christmas cards this year. However, after I received a couple of them in the mail from friends, I decided I should endeavor to create a 2010 Christmas card. As luck would have it, I heard about Shutterfly's promotion the next day. I was thrilled, to say the least. And get excited, because there is a very good chance that Brooklyn's sweet face will make it into the Christmas card this year!

Don't miss out on this opportunity yourself! Registration for Shutterfly's Christmas promotion ends this Friday, December 10th.

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