14 March 2011

Day 1: A recent picture and 30 interesting facts

{A recent picture: Aubrey, myself and a few more people all went to Brewster for Howl at the Moon on Saturday.}

1. I am the oldest of four stubborn strong-willed Martisek women who love each other more than life. This wasn't the case so much back in middle school/high school per say, but I can honestly write that Emily, Claire, and Becca are my three best friends in the entire world. I couldn't be more excited to have these girls stand as close to me as possible on my wedding day. And of course, they will be the three hottest babes on the dance floor at the reception!

2. I break windshields. Ask my dad, because he has paid to fix one in each of the cars I've driven since I turned 16. He would say that this is because I have a led foot and ride other cars' tailgates too closely, but I would have to say it is the luck of the draw. You be the judge.

3. I have the cutest roommate in the entire world. No, I am not talking about Luke, sillies! He doesn't join me until June;) I'm talking about Brooklyn! Brooklyn is an 11-month-old maltipoo that is the best snuggler I've ever napped with. She is fuzzy, warm, and appreciates a good petting. She also loves to sleep on the mat outside with tub when I'm showering and can't get enough of those chicken-flavored raw hides.

4. My pinkies are crooked. No, not like, "Oh how cute!" More like, "Whoa, what's up with your pinkies??" Just ask to take a look at my abnormality next time we're face-to-face.

5. I was born three and a half weeks early and left the hospital at exactly 6lbs, respectively. My mother likes to say that I've been a step ahead of everyone ever since. This is true.

6. I am currently on a diet. I don't actually believe in diets and it's not like a psyco, "I need to lose 30 pounds" diet. I'm just getting married in 3 months and I don't ever want to look back at my pictures and hate the way I looked. I's like to lose 15 pounds. It's sort of scary to admit this to you all, but hey--maybe it will make me hold to it!

7. I used to be deathly afraid of riding in elevators, but New York cured me of this. I didn't have a choice there. However, I am still afraid of roaches and falling to my death. Luke will forever be screamed at politely asked to kill any roaches that dare enter our house and I'll always tear up before getting on a plane. I can't help it.

8. I love eating all things salty. My two favorite types of food are Chinese and Mexican. I also love all items that can be dipped and all types of dip. Veggies and dip. Chips and dip. Fruit and fruit dip. ALL. THINGS. DIP(PED). Can I get an amen?!

9. I have now worked at my current job for 6 months and I couldn't be happier! I love the news, I love marketing, and I love helping locals grow their business.

10. My first wedding shower is this weekend and I can't wait! I will hopefully be buying a new dress to wear sometime this week, getting my nails done on Friday, and practicing my, "Oh my gosh, how did you know I wanted this??" face when I open gifts bought for me that I previously registered for. I've always wondered how this worked...should I be surprised? Excited? Expectant? I think I'm over analyzing this...

11. I love watching reality TV! Kim and Courtney Take New York and The Bachelor(ette) top my list. P.S. I'm SO excited that Emily won!!!!!!

12. I haven't seen my natural hair color since I was 12. I mean, I know my highlights/lowlights are not  too far from the truth, but the truth hasn't actually be revealed in a while. Also, I will hopefully be rockin' a new bob (let's see how daring I will get!) after the wedding. I've been growing my hair for a while now and I'm ready for it to be short again.

13. I was #4 in my graduating high school class. I also graduated with a 4.0 in my journalism and PR classes from Baylor. I like to hang my hat on these accomplishments every so often.

14. I'm an awful cook. Plain awful. Yes, I have let Luke in on this secret. I mean, who can't at least follow the instructions on the side of the box, you ask? Sara Martisek, that's who. I know, it's embarrassing. Any tips, recipes, etc that you'd like to pass on would be greatly appreciated. Or you could just bring us covered dishes for our first month of marriage...:/

15. I love to workout. I run, bike, swim, play basketball, and lift weights. I'm not as consistent as I'd like to be, but my diet has been a good encouragement. I'll be running in my 7th Beach to Bay Relay Marathon this May with the KRIS Communications team. Yay for running with co-workers!!

16. I'm sort of messy. Not dirty messy, but more like I have stacks of crap everywhere and I leave things out and about messy. I have to seriously clean up my apartment once a week at least. When Luke is around, the apartment is spotless. I love this about him!

17. I want to move back to New York. Not to raise a family or anything, but for a couple of years. I want to live in Brooklyn Heights, shop at Peas & Pickles, and eat with Luke at The Heights Cafe at least once a week. I want to travel into Manhattan for work and grow my collection of art and expensive shoes.

18. I absolutely could not live without my iPhone and Mac Book Pro. I consider myself an Apple snob. Because I think these facts go well together, I will add that I love social media. I love the way businesses can strategically use social media to drive traffic and cultivate leads, but I also love the way it connects people across the world. I mean who doesn't want to know what Snooki is up to 24/7?? (that last part is a joke.)

19. I can stress myself out better than anyone else I know. I make way too many lists and add extra items to them that I know I can mark off just to feel better about my to-do lists. I over analyze everything and am my own worst critic. If a job isn't done right, I'm to blame, whether this is really true or not.

20. I was the drum major of my high school band. That one is embarrassing. No need to elaborate.

21. I'm a Baylor Bear and I bleed green and gold. I thought I wanted to go to UT when I was applying to college, but God's hand was seriously guiding my every move that year. He knew where I was supposed to be and I would never in a million years give up that experience. I would get to know those professors, invest in those friends, and pull that many all-nighters all over again times one million. God Bless Texas and Sim 'Em Bears!!!

22. I bite my nails as a nervous habit. Gross, I know. So as a nice alternative, I have my nails done on a pretty regular basis. Plus, Luke likes them, so it's a win-win!

23. As strong-willed and opinionated as I am, I still love to feel feminine and fragile. I love it when Luke opens doors or steps in between me something that might hurt me. I also love a sweet, flowy dress and heels that make me feel sexy when I'm going out with him. These things will never get old!

24. About 90% of the time, I fall asleep watching TV. I blame this on the Martisek in me. My dad and his siblings all struggle to sleep and can stay up till all hours of the night watching TV. So, as a kid, I would fall asleep on the couch while watching TV because it was always on. I'm a pretty good sleeper, but you can almost guarantee that The Nanny is on while I'm drifting off into that sweet slumber. At about 4 a.m. I half-way wake up and turn it off.

25. I would love to have my first child at the age of 28, but this will most likely depend on where I am in my career. 28-30 sounds about right, somewhere in there. When I was 13, I thought I'd have a child by the time I was 20 or 21. A baby at that age scares the begeebers out of me now! So naive.

26. Luke and I will be traveling to Disney World in August for our honeymoon! We are thrilled out of our minds and can't wait for our first official vacation together as a married couple. We're already planning where we will be eating, the shows we want to see, where Sara wants we want to go shopping, etc.!

27. I could possibly be purchasing a new car this week! Get excited for THAT blog post!!

28. I'll be 24 in less than 2 weeks! March 26th is the big day and I'm excited!! Except that 24 sounds old to me. I'm sure I won't feel this way when I'm about to turn 40, ha!

29. I'm in love with my best friend. He is, without a doubt, the voice of reason to my crazy, over-dramatic self. He brings me back down to earth on a regular basis and I love that about him. I met Luke in the summer of 2005 and my life has never been the same. God used Luke to change my heart and I wanted to be better for him. I can't wait to marry this guy on June 25, 2011. As much as I am trying to soak up this "engaged" time of our lives, I can't wait to be Mrs. Luke Riley Hinton!!

30. When I was seven, I made the most important decision of my life to date: I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. I have been through many ups and downs in life, but my God has never left my side. His Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path (Psalm 119:105). I'm a daughter of the Most High King!!

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